Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blog #11-Chapter 15

"She does all this like she's been dong it for years. I keep waiting for her to pull back or to ask me to translate something." -page 129

My first reaction to this sentence (and the paragraphs before it) was Woah! Ma really changed. We always talk about how Nadira and Aisha are changing, but this sentence really shows how Ma has changed so much. The last we really heard a lot about Ma was when Aisha and Nadira left her at the shelter. She was very quiet and shy then, never saying anything in English. From what we could tell, she didn't have very many friends outside of the group she knew from Bangladesh, and she really didn't want to be noticed very much. 

Now, a few months later (or maybe more), Ma is completely different! She seems very confident and certain of what she is doing. She seems to talk a lot in English, and she didn't need things to be translated for her. She has a lot of friends at the shelter, and they all know what is going on in Ma's life. She wears "western clothes" (as Nadira put it) and very relaxed. 

I have to say, I actually like this Ma better. She seems to know what she's doing and she has been living life the best she can in this situation. I'm just curious to see what happens when Ma and Abba see Aisha...she's really not in the same state as she was in when they last saw her. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I noticed she changed a lot too. I observed that Ma changed in a positive way, more confident. However when she saw her father she didn't recognize him-she did, but it wasn't like the father she knew. There personality changes were the complete opposites. I believe that author intended on doing that because she wanted the contrast... She described her parents very well too!
