Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blog #8-Chapter 11

"I wish I could just put a hand to her skin, stop her whirring inside." -page 93

When I read this, I was happy. Nadira wanted to help her sister, and she felt sorry for Aisha and all that she was going through. Aisha's breaking down right in front of Nadira. As Falcon pointed out in Samara's blog, Aisha gave up spending time with her friends so she could study. She wakes up in the middle of the night with bad dreams about her interview. She's pretty much just lost it! She totally did not know how to react to Uncle when he came home. She was just still, frozen like she had been petrified. I think that Nadira's intentions are good, but she just has to follow through on them. Hopefully, once things settle down, Aisha will be a little less stressed, and stop "whirring inside". I don't know who to feel bad for anymore! SO much is going on, and every character has their own set of problems. I pretty much feel bad for everyone! Their situation is so difficult. What do you guys think??


  1. I totally agree with you on every thing. Aisha is just crumpling in front of Nadira, and i think Nadira doesn't know what to do. Her sister was always the independent, strong one that kept the family (well, her parents) happy and together. I think this is a big change for Nadira because as you said, Aisha has "pretty much just lost it!"!
    Great job!

  2. totally agree with you and kalli
    aisha was completely petrified! she may as well have been stared down by a basilisk
    not even the mandrakes would have worked
    she's pretty much snapped and like i said on my blog i think that she isn't getting up anytime really soon

  3. Haha Ari. I was also thinking of HP when I wrote petrified...
