Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blog #12-Chapter 16

"'I always thought you were the brave one. But now I think you're a coward, Aisha.' I see her stiffen a little, but still I press on. 'You gave up because everything stopped being easy. Just because you couldn't conquer this thing like you always did. I think, Aisha, that you're always thinking about doing or saying the right thing. Wearing the right clothes. Blending in. But sometimes...sometimes you have to tell them who you really are. What you really think. You have to make them see us.'"-page 147

Nadira again, tells her sister what she really thinks! I think that Nadira made some excellent points about Aisha. Aisha really shouldn't have faked she was just so people will accept her. I think she should be who she really is, even if she does stand out. It's better to stand out and show who you really are than to pretend to be someone else. It's strange how Aisha used to care so much about what she wore and how she should fit in. So what?! That's not all that is important! She should be proud to be who she is and others should respect her for that. 

I think that Aisha cared way to much about what others thought, and that's why she ended up falling off the high cliff she built for herself. The reason she fell was because instead of making a sturdy cliff, she made a weak one out of sticks. The sticks represent her fake self, the person she tries to be. If she was herself (the rocks) she would not have fallen off her cliff. Nadira made her cliff out of stone, and that's why she got all the way to the top, and stayed there. 

Overall, I'm kind of glad the way things turned out between Aisha and Nadira. Nadira self-confidence was boosted and even though Aisha's was lowered, I think she will regain it soon. 


  1. Wow! Awesome blog. I love the paragraph about the cliff building! That's AMAZING how you interpreted it and thought it through so well, incredible!!! I have some questions: How did you think of it? In what way do you think Aisha will regain her confidence? I hope she regains her confidence soon too...

  2. Thanks Falcon! I was just thinking how Aisha's confidence had gained and gained and then it fell...and that made me think of sticks for some reason, and then the cliff, and just now, it made me think of the Three Little Pigs!! The first two built their house out of poor material and the wolf blew it down. The last one built it out of brick and the wolf had no chance to blow it down! I think that Aisha will realize that what she is doing is unhealthy for her and hopefully she will try to pick up from where she dropped earlier

  3. You're too cool! :) Again, nice work. It was an original AWESOME IDEA. I think your are the only one to make the connection. You should be very proud. I love it!!!! It's so cool with the sticks and cliffs. Awesome visual. That's funny about the three little pigs. Yeah Aisha is really freaking out. I hope she recovers.

  4. Haha-you're too funny Sophia! Thanks so much...as we were discussing on email, I'm glad you liked it! I too wonder about Aisha...she reminds me of those old lady's who don't know who and what they are doing. A little out of it (maybe a LOT out of it)
