Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog #7-Chapter 10

"After the apartment is quiet again, I realize the thud-thudding noise hasn't gone away. It's my own heart, beating fast in my chest." -page 87

My heart would be beating super fast too, if I was in Nadira's situation. The whole thing is all together very scary and stressful. I don't know what the family is going to do now that Uncle has been taken to jail. Will they be able to go on with their normal life? I think that they will have to, but it will not be easy. The letter will be of utmost importance to Nadira and Aisha, and they will probably try to find out even more things they can do to help. What I am also curious about is how come the police only take one member of the family. Does that mean that as long as one member is in jail, the rest of them can live illegally in the country?? 

I also think that Aisha is being to hard on herself. She thinks that everything that goes wrong is her fault; that she could have done something to stop the current situation from happening. She had another meltdown at the end of the chapter and I think it is really lowering her self-confidence. She needs to learn that she is only 18 years old and she can't do things that adults can do. Even Taslima can't do anything, even though she is trying too. Taslima doesn't realize that Tim isn't doing anything to help save the family! I have a feeling for some reason that maybe Tim is working with the police in some way, and he tipped them off a little. 

Overall, very eventful chapter. I can see why Nadira's heart is definitely beating so fast; both her dad and uncle are in jail. She must be scared and worried, and I think that not being able to tell anyone else (outside of the family) about their issue is making it even harder for her. Sometimes, it is great relief to tell someone with no insight on the matter about what is going gives you a different perspective of the actual problem. 


  1. i agree with you my heart would be beating fast too. And i agree that tim isn't doing anything to help but i dont think hes working with the police. and also you said that she is 18 and can't do things that the adults can but 18 is an adult.

  2. Oh, that's true...thanks for pointing that out!

  3. Wow, long blog Puja! Nice but long. it was a very eventful chapter.

  4. “Sometimes, it is great relief to tell someone with no insight on the matter about what is going gives you a different perspective of the actual problem.”

    I agree. In her situation I think it would be good for Nadira to talk with another person to get all her feelings and emotions out. (She has to be careful who she talks to, or else they can take that information and get her in trouble with the law.) Her parents also don’t want her to tell anyone… They would have a different perspective, which may help or may not. I noted that on page 29 Nadira was said “But sometimes I feel like shaking their sleeves and blurting out, Ask me. Please.” Maybe she’ll talk to one of her teachers like Mr. Friedlander. I think that would be her safest and best move to talk it out, and maybe he could help.

  5. Great,

    You really expressed your feelings in this blog post, I liked that a lot. I do also agree that my heart would be beating fast if I was there and in that situation. I think that for now Tim is useless he reminds me of a puppy always following you around(shadow). That would get on my nerves, maybe if he was helping that would be a different story but he isn't. Aisha is being a harsh critic to herself I think that she should brush some of those things of her shoulder. She is only 18 a young adult so she doesn't have as much knowledge as another older adult.

    Great Job!

